Sunday, May 15, 2011

The new blog

I have moved the blog to my site and I am ending this one. Go to for further news on the Windows betas. I would also like to thank all of you who have been following me here and want to let you know that I will be doing more on the other blog than I have done here. \
Bill Stelling

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Black Screen of Death.

Just wanted to give everyone a little look see of the new BSOD background for windows 8.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Windows 8 Build 6.2.7959.0 M3 now up on win world.

Well if you are wanting to get your hands on the latest leak of Microsoft's next OS then head on over to WinWorld and check it out. They have one of the only OS archives for Windows builds from dos all the way up to the new beta builds. You can find the new leak here.

Windows 8 Build 6.2.7959.0 M3 has leaked.

Windows 8 Build 6.2.7959.0 M3 (Enterprise)
  ISO - 2.87 GB

ISO MD5: 99375D7782027CBF2E70F5D0F8648406

Finally there is a 64bit version to mess with now and it's an M3 build to boot. Stay tuned for more info once we have had some time to check it out...

Friday, April 29, 2011

We have added a downloads section to the site.

Just letting all of our followers that we have now added a downloads section the the forum for the members to use. Once we get it all sorted you will be able to upload cool programs and other things for all of you to share and enjoy. Keep in mind we will not tolerate wares or anything that is not legal to post. Barring that you will be free to upload and share whatever you like.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Windows 8 M2 has leaked.

Version M2 of the latest incarnation from Microsoft leaked to the public yesterday. It is the second beta build to leak in a month and it looks like the fun is starting for the Windows enthusiast  a bit earlier than the software maker would have liked, but they have done a good job of keeping it under wraps up until now. This leak is the server version of the Win 8 beta and caries the name  6.2.7955.0.fbl_srv_wdacxml.110228-1930_x86fre_client-ultimate and the md5 hash numbers are:
CRC32: 17853891
MD5: 40861A02CB14B0D2D7930910DB6CC6E4
SHA-1: 23C5A856A9D93E7957ACC36CA9FA38F46A3783F8
Some have reported it being on the Beta Archive ftp as well as torrents on some sites like The Pirate Bay. Also it has been reported that the one from Torko is a fake and contains malware, but from what we can tell it is just original version of this build. But it is always a good idea to check the md5 and make sure that you have an untampered with leak if you are going to check out this latest leak.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The site is fixed.

I have finished fixing the database for the site and everyone can post again as well as register on the forums now. It was a bit of work to get done but I have it all sorted now. It was caused by a failed sql restore when I was trying to fix a problem with the cmps for the site. The upload timed out and grenaded the data base tables. I had recently done an update to vB4.1.3 and mistakenly used the sql backups from a day before to rebuild the database and it was incompatible with the new version of vBulletin. It doesn't work very well when you use a database created for vB 4.0.2.. Now I just need to do some settings cleaning up and things will be back to normal again.. See you on the site! 
The Windows Center

The forum is messed up ATM.

Having some problems with forumdata on the forum and it is a big problem. Trying to get it restored and will post again when we get it sorted. Right now no one can join or post on the forum but you can browse it all.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thumbnail preview for mkv files.

We all have had our share of fun when it comes to getting our videos to preview in Windows and that is especially true for .mkv video files. Back in the days of Windows Vista the klite codec pack worked really well along with Sharky's codec packs. Well in Windows 7 it has been hit or miss with either codec pack and any other options were few and far between, Well now we have a solution that works rather well brought to us by one of the bigger names in video codecs DivX. DivX Labs had been working on a tech preview called MKV on Windows 7 and it has been out for release now for awhile and it is part of the DivX Plus for windows Codec Pack. you can download it here now with out signing in or registering for anything.That's right no signing up for anything. It comes with 4 things that you can install. DivX Plus Converter, DivX Plus Player, DivX HiQ + Web Player Beta, and the DivX Plus Codec Pack. All you need to install to get mkv's to preview on your computer is the codec pack though and it is all that I installed. I refreshed my video folders and presto, I had previews of my mkv files. It was painless to download and install and I was very happy to run across it at their site. So happy in fact, I am going to install the Web Player Beta and give it a spin to see just how good accelerated video in a browser can be. I'll post up a blog on that after I've had some time to check it out some. So head on over to their site and give the codec pack a spin, you will be as happy as I am about it.

Join us at The Windows Center

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome to The Windows Center blog.

This is the first in of many blogs to come about Windows and Windows betas along with all the tech that goes along with it. So stay tuned for up to date info on all things Windows. I will also be posting as often as I can about all the latest with the Windows 8 beta that is in development right now.
I have recently taken over running The Windows Center and have been very busy updating the site and adding new content. I have also added a bunch of new themes for the members to enjoy and will be adding more custom ones as time goes on. Anyone can now log-in with Facebook as well as Tweet there favorite news and there are many more like Stumble Upon and others that you can check out on the site.
I will be adding much more to the site so stay tuned here on the blog and you can also rss your favorite sections straight to your browser.

Bill Stelling