Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Windows 8 M2 has leaked.

Version M2 of the latest incarnation from Microsoft leaked to the public yesterday. It is the second beta build to leak in a month and it looks like the fun is starting for the Windows enthusiast  a bit earlier than the software maker would have liked, but they have done a good job of keeping it under wraps up until now. This leak is the server version of the Win 8 beta and caries the name  6.2.7955.0.fbl_srv_wdacxml.110228-1930_x86fre_client-ultimate and the md5 hash numbers are:
CRC32: 17853891
MD5: 40861A02CB14B0D2D7930910DB6CC6E4
SHA-1: 23C5A856A9D93E7957ACC36CA9FA38F46A3783F8
Some have reported it being on the Beta Archive ftp as well as torrents on some sites like The Pirate Bay. Also it has been reported that the one from Torko is a fake and contains malware, but from what we can tell it is just original version of this build. But it is always a good idea to check the md5 and make sure that you have an untampered with leak if you are going to check out this latest leak.

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