Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thumbnail preview for mkv files.

We all have had our share of fun when it comes to getting our videos to preview in Windows and that is especially true for .mkv video files. Back in the days of Windows Vista the klite codec pack worked really well along with Sharky's codec packs. Well in Windows 7 it has been hit or miss with either codec pack and any other options were few and far between, Well now we have a solution that works rather well brought to us by one of the bigger names in video codecs DivX. DivX Labs had been working on a tech preview called MKV on Windows 7 and it has been out for release now for awhile and it is part of the DivX Plus for windows Codec Pack. you can download it here now with out signing in or registering for anything.That's right no signing up for anything. It comes with 4 things that you can install. DivX Plus Converter, DivX Plus Player, DivX HiQ + Web Player Beta, and the DivX Plus Codec Pack. All you need to install to get mkv's to preview on your computer is the codec pack though and it is all that I installed. I refreshed my video folders and presto, I had previews of my mkv files. It was painless to download and install and I was very happy to run across it at their site. So happy in fact, I am going to install the Web Player Beta and give it a spin to see just how good accelerated video in a browser can be. I'll post up a blog on that after I've had some time to check it out some. So head on over to their site and give the codec pack a spin, you will be as happy as I am about it.

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